Smart Cities 

Autonomous Drone Delivery


Autonomous Drone Delivery

The future of autonomous delivery


There are many advantages to using drones for delivery including improved logistics efficiency, saving cost, reducing pollution, and providing services to underdeveloped areas. We are leveraging the KAUST living lab to test this technology and learn from it.

Drone delivery pilot aims at testing and experimenting the use of drones to deliver packages and food. In the first phase of the pilot, we tested delivery of food to a number of villas using a carpet-to-carpet scenario. In the current scenario, a hub station is placed in two different locations – one nearby the restaurant and the other at residential units.

  • Designing ideal drone experiences from the user perspective
  • Integrating it with smart homes and mobile apps
  • Testing food, goods and letters delivery
  • EVA
  • Flytbase
  • National Digital Transformation Unit - NDU
  • Falcon Viz