National Programs

Development Programs | AMCS-STAT School


Development Programs

| AMCS-STAT School


Launched in 2018 for the purpose of introducing students to diverse mathematical and statistical topics, and broadening their career aspirations. The school aims to introduce curiosity driven students to topics that break beyond conventional learning and show the directions of modern research

Target Audience
  • Saudi undergraduate and graduate students, recent graduates from in-kingdom and out-of-kingdom institutions
  • Individuals interested in programs and careers in such as Applied Mathematics and Computational Science and Statistics
  • Deepen knowledge in fields of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Discover career paths
  • Explore KAUST and support student qualifications for potential graduate studies (MS and PhD)
  • Network with KAUST faculty and research community
  • One-week residential program
  • KAUST Academic, CEMSE
  • KAUST Core Labs and Research Centers
How to apply

Stay connected with Saudi Graduate Recruitment and Development (SGRD), sign up now.

This program is offered annually and during the spring semester (February/March). Information is distributed to registered individuals, Saudi university leadership and through KAUST Social Media