National Programs

KAUST Ibn Rushd Program


KAUST Ibn Rushd Program

Cultivating KAUST’s and the Kingdom’s next generation of globally experienced Saudi faculty and academics.  


The Ibn Rushd Postdoctoral Fellowship is a competitive award for exceptional Saudi scholars to pursue postdoctoral research at internationally renowned institutions. The Fellowship aims to train fellows for a competitive academic career, such those of faculty at KAUST. Each applicant is comprehensively evaluated by a KAUST faculty representing all research divisions, with a small cohort of scholars awarded annually based on their demonstrated excellence and potential

KAUST Faculty Mentorship

A core component of the Fellowship is KAUST Faculty Mentorship. Mentors are the “face of KAUST” for the fellow. Mentors will support the fellow throughout his/her postdoctoral experience abroad. The mentor will be the fellow’s academic and career champion, and the primary bridge to KAUST during the fellow’s time abroad. The mentorship relationship is determined and guided by the mentor and fellow as agreed together, and must include semi-regular meetings and communication to ensure the fellow is progressing as desired. Core areas of mentor support include:

  • Research Plan: Guided as needed by their faculty mentor, fellows must develop a research plan for the institution at which they would like to conduct their postdoctoral fellowship. Once the plan is endorsed by the KAUST mentor, fellows secure approval by their postdoctoral advisor.
  • KAUST Seminar: Fellows will be required to deliver an annual seminar for the KAUST program with which they have aligned. Fellows work with their KAUST mentor and their postdoctoral advisor to agree on the most suitable timing and details of this seminar.
  • Development opportunities: From time to time, KAUST will offer professional and academic development opportunities on campus, throughout the Kingdom, and virtually. Fellows are encouraged to participate in these valuable activities as appropriate and should review opportunities with their KAUST mentor.
  • Regular engagement: Mentors are encouraged to engage with their fellows regularly, share interesting information and updates about KAUST and their programs/fields broadly, and involve the fellow in any interesting activities that would be of value to the fellow and to KAUST.