National Programs

National Academic Talent Development Program



National Academic Talent Development Program | NATDP


The National Academic Talent Development Program (NATDP) focuses on building partnerships with in-kingdom universities who are in support of sponsoring their teaching assistants and lecturers for graduate studies at KAUST

  • Attract and cultivate talented Saudi teaching assistants and lecturers who are progressing their career through graduate level work
  • Build competencies, develop strong foundation and enhance all dimensions of learning, teaching and research
Target Audience

Saudi teaching assistants and lecturers supported by their employers to advance in graduate studies

  • A series of workshops are available prior to applying for graduate studies at KAUST. Workshops vary in nature and can be customized to fit attendee backgrounds and interests for the upskilling of future faculty
  • Training on developing research writing, strategies to better deliver knowledge, how to trigger and engage participation in an in-person and online tutorial setting as well as nurture critical reasoning and provide feedback while promoting self-confidence
  • Participants come from diverse STEM backgrounds, work experience, highest degree earned, countries where degrees were obtained, current IK location and employers

  • More than half of the in-kingdom universities sponsor their instructors for graduate studies at KAUST
  • KAUST Academic divisions, CEMSE, BESE, PSE
How to Apply

Stay connected with Saudi Graduate Recruitment and Development (SGRD), sign up now.

Programs are available twice a year and information is distributed to registered individuals, Saudi university leadership and through KAUST Social Media